Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Time....

So Turkey day has come and gone, and family has left the house to scatter back to there lives and I miss them. House seems quieter with out them. But now its time to get ready for the christmas festivites!!!!
So this year mom (pam) has decided to keep our beautiful, perfect fake tree up and decorate it all beautiful!!!! and it looks perfect.... Trevis on the other hand not liking it so very much. "Its not the real thing," he says. So mom and I decide to go shopping and i tell her my friend found this 10.00 tree at our local store so we found a perfect little 3 1/2 foot tree for our trevy to take careof. Its cute he gets his little piece of christmas tradition!
I cant believe tho how close Christmas is coming. I feel like theres all sorts of things to do and not enough time to do it in. Im gonna go bonkers! All the gifts to wrap, stockings to stuff, food to eat, shopping to do and work on top of weee!!! I need a vacation.

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