Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gobble Gobble....

Can you belive that its already that time of year? Where has all the time gone...? I just wanted to post that I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!!! Where ever you might be spending it this year, I hope that you all feel greatful for for the people you are sharing it with. This year it is our turn to spend it with Trevi's family, and I am excited that I get to make a couple of dishes from my mommy's kitchen (now lets hope I dont screw it up). I can't wait!

However I am not looking forward the BLACK FRIDAY thats the only part about working retail that is such a bummer! But for all you who are venturing out for that great day, be nice to the people who are working. WERE JUST AS TIRED AND AS STRESSED A YOU ARE!!! So have fun I dont envy ya waking up early to go shopping I envy the people still sleeping!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008


So the worst part of having friends visit.... is having them leave. I was very happy I got to see my bestest it was great, but its the taking her to the airport and watching her get on the plane thats sad. I tell ya tho this weekend was crazy and a very unfogettable.

But I hope she has a safe flight and I cant wait to go spend a week with her in Washington. Can we talk about trouble I can already foresee it!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Busy as a Bee?

So finally last night my one of my Bestest came into town from Washington. I havent seen her since about July and I am so totally excited. Hopefully since she is only here for a short while we can annoy one another to pieces....That way when she leaves we wont be so sad. I know its mean but I cant stand the tears!!!! So I hope for a fun visit and some even funnier pictures!!!!

Oh and can I say congrats to my sister in law to be Krish! Miracles happen to those who wait!!!! (for those who dont know go read her blog!)

Just a Nibble....

Oh man...!

Look what I have gotten myself into.... So I decided to finally start my own blog. A place where my friends and family from near and far can read about my life, laugh and giggle to themselves and think is this woman crazy!!! So obviously if you are reading this you pretty much know much about me...but for those who are unaware I'll try for the short version!

Trevis and I have been together...hmmm 3 years March 26th and I couldnt be happier. After we were together for 6th months he proposed to me how? 4 wheelin! Its so Trevi, and me i of course said yes!! So still together after all this time and No wedding date set yet..... Sorry that would be my fault wanted to have some school done because i keep getting the you'll never go back excuse....and alreay one who dislikes it...I surely can foresee it!

However, I think we are progressing a bit Trev and I have at least thought of colors schemes and the time of year (Autum for sure! Sorry Trev can't win). Now we can at least start getting pieces and have them sit in our garage until we set the date. I got 5 more years until common law sees us as married....haha lets pray its before then!

I just recently celebrated my 22nd birthday and let me just say i still may be young but not getting any younger. I work, ABSOLUTELY LOVE watching family guy, reading books....(reading twilight again), taking pictures, and recently found joy in playing PS2. I told myself I would never be addicted but Indiana Jones Legos is awesome!!!! I recently found out that my sister will be blessed with her second son come this March and couldn't be happier for her. Im sure alot more can be said but until next time!